
A group of stars that forms a certain pattern in the sky.

1.       The statement above refers to:
       A.      Sun                                             C. Earth
       B.      Moon                                         D.Constellations

2.       Constellations are important because they:
I.                    Give off light
II.                  Show directions
III.                Indicate the time to plant crops
IV.                Indicate the time to plant crops

A.      I and II only                             C. I,II and III only
B.      I and IV only                            D.II,III and IV only

3.       The constellations in the diagram below refers to:

            A. Orion
          B.  Scorpion

          C. Big Dipper
          D. Southern Cross

4. A fisherman who lost his direction wants to travel   south.Which of the following conctellations does he need to look for?
       A. Southern Cross
       B. Orion
       C. Big Dipper
       D. Scorpion

5.     a) Name the constellation shown.

     b) Describe the constellation that you named in (a)

      c ) State the importance of constellations.

6. In our Solar System,Earth's nearest neighbour is the________
    A. Sun        B. Moon          C. planet Mars          D. planet Venus

7. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

    A. Pluto is the biggest plannet in the Solar System

    B. The Sun is nearer to Earth as compared to the Moon.

   C. The position of Earth in the solar system is the most 
        suitable  to support life.

   D.Comets can be considered as Moons in the Solar System.

8.  Which of the following statements describe the relative 
    distance of the Moon,the Sun and the Earth? The distance from Earth to the Sun is:

     A. 400 times the distance from Earth to the Moon.

     B. 40 times the distance from Earth to the Moon.

C. 500 times  the distance from Earth to the Moon.

     D. 50 times the distance from Earth to the Moon.

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